L6 Community IT Hub
IT Training sessions take place here on Thursday morning from 10.00am - 12.00pm
Core Learning Modules:
- Introduction to Word Processing
- Beginners Internet and Email
- Working with Microsoft Word
- Combined Microsoft Word and Internet Exercises
- Advanced Internet Exercises
- LMH Connect 24/7 Module
Optional Learning Modules:
- Getting to know Universal Jobmatch
- Getting to know Property Pool Plus
- Introduction to Microsoft Excel
- Make the most of your Tablet
- Working with Digital Cameras
- Using ipods and MP3 players
- Introduction to Social Networking
if you require more information please telephone: 0800 678 1894
email: james.pickup@commutual.org.uk
Tenant Profile
Jacqueline Lloyd
The reason I joined the LMH class was to do an ECDL course (European Computer Driving Licence) in order to broaden my future opportunities and give me the chance to better myself. Doing the course has now given me the appetite to study even further and I’ve just applied for the Go Higher access course with Liverpool University.
If it wasn’t for LMH and EDT allowing me to do the ECDL, I most certainly wouldn’t have had the courage or the computer knowledge needed to even apply for the Go Higher access course – for which I’m currently now awaiting an interview (yayy!)
EDT have a wonderful staff member in Kevin Kirby. He’s been a brilliant tutor and fantastic mentor to me. He’s also a laugh so that helps even more. I’m trying to get my friends to join the course as I know it would be of great benefit to them – it certainly has been for me.